What If?

Ephesians 1:15–23

What if Jesus was really Lord of all, and all things were under His feet, and He was far above all powers, rulers, dominions, and every name? What difference should this make in our lives?

It is probably most difficult to grasp this when we see sin abounding in our world and culture. But ever when seemingly righteous changes are made, they are accompanied with pride and vindictiveness.

It seems to me, from our study in Ephesians 1:15–23, that Jesus is either Lord over all or not Lord at all. By faith we must choose the former, that He is Lord over all, in our world and in our church.

How does this change things?

The biggest thing is that He governs not only the good but the bad. I have had a rash of very good friends who have recently encountered physical challenges. It seems to me that no good thing can come from a cancer diagnosis. Some families have had big disappointments as well. How can this be good? Yet, I find that we are often looking at short-term goals or comfort.

Of course, we’d like all good relationships.

Of course, we’d all like good health.

Of course, we’d all like enough money to pay all the bills.

But what if our Lord’s goal is to shape and transform our lives to be more like Jesus? And in that transformation we would find the greatest joy, comfort, and satisfaction—things no amount of money can buy.

Colossians 1:28–29 helps me, as Paul points us to the ultimate goal of knowing Christ and spiritual transformation. This goal and the full Lordship of Jesus changes everything.

What if He really was Lord over all? Well, the good news is that He is!! It will change your day!

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