Here at Calvary, our hope is that we never presume upon the Gospel but treasure it above all things. We learn of God through the Bible, which we make the center of all our preaching, teaching, and programs, whether for young children or adults.
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Worship 10:15 a.m.
Worship 10:15 a.m.
What To Expect
A typical worship service will last about 75 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. Our pastor preaches through books of the Bible, with sermons lasting about 35–40 minutes.
Nursery care is available for children up to age 4, with silent pagers for parents.
"Praise Packs" are provided for kids between 2–12 years to keep them quietly busy and engaged during the worship service.
Children's church is offered most Sundays and meets during the second half of the service. The worship leader will dismiss children age 3 years–1st grade to join our teachers for a Bible story, snack, and activities. Parents may pick up children after the service.
Nursery care is available for children up to age 4, with silent pagers for parents.
"Praise Packs" are provided for kids between 2–12 years to keep them quietly busy and engaged during the worship service.
Children's church is offered most Sundays and meets during the second half of the service. The worship leader will dismiss children age 3 years–1st grade to join our teachers for a Bible story, snack, and activities. Parents may pick up children after the service.
Kids' Praise Pack Station
First stop for families with littles