How it all started...
Calvary Memorial Church began in 1901 in Minnetonka Beach, Minnesota, as a Sunday school organized by the American Sunday School Union. From 1903–1924, the Sunday school was housed in the Spring Park two-room schoolhouse. This building was located at the corner of present-day County Road 15 and Dunwoody Avenue, where the current church's flag pole stands today.
In 1929, a white wood-frame church building was constructed at the intersection of County Roads 15 and 19 in Navarre. A new brick building was constructed on that same corner in 1956.
In 1929, a white wood-frame church building was constructed at the intersection of County Roads 15 and 19 in Navarre. A new brick building was constructed on that same corner in 1956.

Expanding the vision...
Because of their desire to begin a Christian school, the church congregation sold the brick building in 1978 and purchased the Elizabeth Gardner School from the Mound School District. This building is located at the corner of County Road 15 and Dunwoody Avenue in Navarre. Calvary Memorial Christian School ran from 1979–2010. In 1986, the present church sanctuary was completed and dedicated.
Where we are headed...
We are so grateful to God for our wonderful building, but Calvary is really about the people. Our doors are always open to the community, and we're always looking for believers to join our church family. Our vision is to know, follow, and love Christ, so we pray that He will continue to lead and grow our fellowship to that end as he has faithfully for over 120 years.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:15 am.