Jesus Our Shepherd King

John 18:28–19:16a

In our “Road to the Cross” journey in the Gospel of John, Sunday we went through the civic trial before Pilate. In this passage, we see the complete failure of the civic authority (Pilate) to do what was right, and also the Jewish leaders as well failed.

However, the true authority in this narrative is Jesus, who is the true King!

When we think of His kingship, we think of power, which we will see visibly in the end times. But, for now, our King walks towards the Cross as His Father has directed, and His people need for their forgiveness. John has revealed Christ laying down His life for us and attaches the picture of Him being our good Shepherd:

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11, ESV) 

So, we understand the manifold glories of Christ as both our King and Shepherd. This is a wonderful help to us—His Kingship can bring thoughts of power, but as Good Shepherd, it adds His comfort and care to that power.

Some kings are not caring, gentle, or comforting. And some shepherds are not powerful. Jesus brings both to His relationship with His people. He cares and is gentle, yet He is powerful and sovereign over all circumstances.

What a beautiful revelation of Jesus for us. We need both! Let’s learn to see Him and trust Him as our Shepherd-King in every situation!

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